Concerto: Ufomammut + Space Paranoids

Quando: 16/11/2019 | 21:30 - 23:59

Dove: Spazio 211 - via Cigna 211 - Torino

TUM & sPAZIO211 presentano:
UFOMAMMUT in concerto  20 years celebration
in apertura: Space Paranoids

Apertura porte ore 21:29
Ingresso 10 euro + diritti di prevendita
“Heralded as one of the most cerebral and psychedelic audio/visual sensory experiences in the realms of the current extreme music scene, UFOMAMMUT has worked tirelessly for twenty years since their formation in 1999.”
etichetta: SUPERNATURALCAT records

Acquista qui:
>> prevendita:
>> biglietti disponibili in cassa



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