Inaugurazione mostra Medium. Meditation. Modularitaet.

Quando: 23/03/2023 | 18:00 - 21:00

Dove: Mucho Mas! - corso Brescia 89 - Torino

Alla Galleria Mucho Mas di Torino inaugurazione della mostra d’arte di Alexander Binder.
di Alexander Binder
Opening da Mucho Mas!
Giovedì 23 Marzo 2023
ore 18-21
Alexander fuses digital and analogue photography by combining modern cameras with old and self-made lenses. Through the use of vintage objectives and crystals, he tries to switch off the analytical part of his mind and catch an unaffected and unplanned insight into the lively, chaotic cosmos of woods, ponds and fields.
The resulting photographs are not an accurate depiction of nature, but rather convey a romantic and almost transcendental atmosphere. Blurs, aperture spots and random reflections characterize his photographs. Concrete images mix with more spherical ones and resemble the visual world of a daydream.
Questioned directly, he sees his photographs not as individual projects, but as an endless stream of impressions. Just as our own experiences can be assigned to specific events, life and perception are ultimately a continuous story.
His latest exhibition at Mucho Mas! consequentially unites the images of three closely- linked bodies of work – called Medium, Meditation and Modularität. Together they create a subtle meditation on the beauty of nature and the environment that surrounds us.
In addition, the sturdy banners and the unpretentious presentation of his work reflect Alexander’s background in the Black Forest, a rural area in southwestern Germany.
Alexander Binder was born on Halloween night 1976; he is a self-taught photographer with no formal art training who cites the works of William Blake, French symbolist Odilon Redon, and the aesthetics of the Krautrock scene as his main inspirations.
In recent years, he published his photography in Vice, Lodown, Sleek, Tush, Twin,, Gup and Fotografia among others.
Numerous exhibitions as well as participation in the Festival Voies-Off in Arles and the Festival Internacional de Fotografia de Belo Horizonte complement his artistic practice.
Alexander currently lives, works and meditates in Stuttgart.




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